Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Loose ends

Thursday was the big debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Although pundits called the debate a draw, Sarah Palin proved to the world that she is ready to lead. Ready to lead the next season of Sesame Street.

I'm not saying she was bad at the debate, but her brother, the teacher of a third grade class in an elementary school in Alaska, gave her an "F".

Closer home, the Tata's moved their Nano project from Singur, thanks to the protests led by Ms Mamta Baneerjee. In fact, while the Tata's are welcomed to other states with a red carpet of cheap real estate and tax cuts, Ms Banerjee still remains in a state of denial.

India and the US are finally going to sign the nuclear deal. The left is still visibly upset. In fact, today Prakash Karat withdrew support for his wife's new dressing table and everytime a reporter on any news channel mentions the nuclear-power deal, Sitaram Yechury does a tequila shot.

Nokia is about to release it's real answer to the iPhone. In fact, not only does the new nokia phone have all the bells and whistles the iPhone has, it also does your taxes, sends your girlfriend flowers everytime you screw up and finds you an empty parking spot during peak hours. In fact, the Sarah Palin edition of the phone even detects and kills witches withing a three mile radius.

Health minister Ramados is happy that his nationwide smoking ban is now in place. He says his next target is alcohol. This is all part of his "Suck all the fun out of life" strategy.


Che said...

Now this is more like it!
Loved the nokia bit :)

Anonymous said...

Lot of people around me would be buying the Sarah Palin version, I would like to see how it affects me(if i'm in a 3mile radius).

Tazeen said...

I am ok with having witches around me. Cant Nokia come up with a version that repels weirdos and losers?

Waterfox said...

Hmmm... I guess Ratan Tata (or Buddha Babu) will order a Palin edition to use in West Bengal ;)
Got the hint?

Over Rated said...

che: Well, it seems that I write better once I've had that meeting with a certain Mr. Jack Daniels.

copy rioter: Oh, sadly, it's a limited edition collection only so not many people will be able to get their hands on it.

tazeen: Well, word is out on the street that they are working on it. The details are sketchy but one thing I know for sure is that it involves some sort of pepper spray. ..

abhishek: Oh, for a certain witch from West Bengal, a more stronger edition is needed.

Pratz said...

lolz...."Suck all the fun out of life".... yep that's his strategy alright...gr8 post...loved it from start to finish...especially the finish [:)]
